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  • What is your 100% satisfaction guarantee and refund policy?
    Our goal is to always achieve a great result. If you have supplied your images to us as per our recommendations, a great result should be achieved. If you are not happy with the finished result, please let us know what you don't like and we will adjust if possible. If you are still not happy with the finished result, we will refund your money in full. This 100% Satisfaction Guarantee remains in place until you give your final approval.
  • Are my images and my personal information secure?
    Blended Image take all reasonable precautions to safeguard your images and personal information. However, we are not liable for any damage or theft whilst your information is in our possession.
  • Do you do the framing?
    No, we email you a digital image.
  • How many revisions can I make?
    You are welcome to make 1 revision request - please provide clear instructions of what you would like changed. This revision cannot be to swap out an image with a new image. However you can request images to be swapped around. With each delivery of our work, the image will be watermarked. Once our work is completed, we will send you your image without the watermark.
  • How long does it take for my digital blended image to be emailed to me?
    Every order deserves our best quality work! Orders are generally completed within 3 business days after payment is received. However, if we are experiencing a higher than normal order rate, we won't rush through these orders as we believe every order deserves our best quality work.
  • Will you use my images on your Website or share my personal information with anyone but your team?
    No, absolutely not. Your privacy is important to us also.
  • How long will you keep my images for?
    Blended Image will keep your images for a period of six (6) months in case you decide to have different layouts made. We can delete them from our system earlier should you request us to via email.
  • What sort of images work best?
    We recommend the following image quality to achieve a beautiful collage -​ Not blurry Not grainy Not too close-up Similar backgrounds
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