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Frequently Asked Questions


1. How accurate is this information?


We have collected and collated this information in good faith that the information we have researched is accurate.  We have copied and pasted each line so as to ensure that punctuation etc is how the newly registered business entity has entered the information.

2. Will these business already have in place the type of service we provide?


Whilst this information is of newly registered businesses, we cannot guarantee that these businesses do not already have their initial business set-up complete or underway.  However, it is likely that many businesses are still in the setting-up stage and will be looking for services to assist them in getting their business off the ground.

3. Have these data lists been collected by legal methods?


Yes.  We have collected and collated this information via intense research using only legitimate and legal sources.

4. What information is provided?


  • Postcode

  • State

  • Australian Business Number (ABN)

  • Date of initial ABN Activation

  • Entity Name

  • Business Name(s)

  • Mailing Address

5. Why are there no emails available?


An email address used to register a business is NOT publicly available information - therefore by post is quite possibly the only way to make contact with these businesses in the early stages of their business set-up.  TURN THIS INTO A POSITIVE!  With the many emails a person receives in a day, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd.  It is definitely worth considering going back to the basics.
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