Independent living is becoming more and more popular and living off the grid is a dream of ours and a joy to be able to deliver for many of our customers. Electricity is an essential service and we understand this – which is why we stand for quality and our values over providing the cheapest quote, just to win a job! It is important that the power system we supply and install is going to perform as required for the life of the system.
OFFGRID DIVISION is dedicated to providing excellent and superior service to our customers and clients. We value building strong relationships with honesty and transparency and we approach every project as though it was our own property.
We take the time to understand your requirements and tailor the right solution for you!
We only use high quality premium products, from well-established suppliers, providing you peace of mind that the system you have installed is built to perform and stand the test of time – so you can be assured that you are receiving value for money.
We provide quality workmanship backed by professional knowledge and full certification of design and installation of off-grid or standalone power systems, hybrid systems and general solar, if required.
All our projects are carefully thought out and carried out to the best of our ability. We are always growing in our understanding and knowledge and enjoy seeing our opportunities and client base grow, as we value and build on the foundation we already have.
OFFGRID DIVISION, an offshoot from our sister electrical company, is designed to provide focused sales and installation in the off-grid stand-alone system market.
As the demand for independent living has been increasing, we have seen a huge rise in the market for these kind of systems, especially for domestic purposes. OFFGRID DIVISION has been created to help meet this demand and hopefully be set apart as a business with a premium quality product offering, at a fair price.
We currently focus primarily on stand-alone energy off-grid system design and installation.
With over 8 years' experience in the solar and battery industry and 14 years in the electrical industry, we believe we can handle your project successfully.
We find it most rewarding to have many happy customers who have reduced energy bills or are even now fully self-sufficient living independently from the electrical grid.
Although our main focus and passion is renewable and self-sufficient energy, we still have a small list of great builders who keep good old electrical contracting work coming in. We really appreciate our builders and work hard to ensure that their requirements are met reliably and on-time.
OFFGRID DIVISION are based on the Brisbane northside in Queensland. We have travelled to customers up to 4 hours away to install off-grid systems, so please don't hesitate to contact us wherever you may be located.
OFFGRID DIVISION currently employ 3 full-time tradesmen. For larger projects, we engage the services of our long-term professional and qualified sub-contractors.
We are also proud to be a part of Australian Apprenticeships, equipping apprentices in the Electrical industry and passing on knowledge and skills to young Australians. We believe this is a worthwhile endeavour and currently employ 1 apprentice with plans to extend in the future.